Growing up in Calgary
Sep 7, 2019 7:06
Dave and Jane E.
Last one to Bourgeau Lake is a rotten Egg(en).
When we think of Steven, this is the picture that always comes to our mind's eye, a sort of male bonding reminder of 5 men together about to yet again follow their 5 destinies. Born in 1988, Steven was the elder male cousin to Keith (1991) and Robert (1993). By this point in history, August, 2009, Steven would be going into his final year at Queens, Keith would be just about to leave for his first year at Carleton and Robert going into grade 11 at Queen Elizabeth High School. The "boys" had just raced up the half mile of elevation, 5 miles from the parking lot. And by the time the dads caught up they were ready to race back down again. But they were talked into this now time immemorial photo that graced the Keating refridgerator for years to come.
It was fitting that Steven was in the middle, smiling but not dominating. Supportive to all.
Bourgeau Lake, Banff National Park, Eggen, Keith, Robert
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