Growing up in Calgary

Sep 10, 2019 8:41
Scott Y.
I met Steve in high school, and I’m lucky to be able to say that since then he has been one of my best friends. Our friendship developed out of a good-natured competition to be get the highest grades when we shared many Grade 11 and 12 math and science classes (yes, we’re both nerds!). Needless to say competing with Steve’s intelligence didn’t leave me with too many victories! Nonetheless, we became close friends and shared many memories outside of school including playing sting pong in Steve’s basement, where we also tried to avoid getting zapped by his homemade taser, riding around in the Prius listening to Jay-Z (Steve’s favourite in those days), going to parties and movies and countless matches of tennis in the summer. Those days were just the beginning of a long friendship with one of the kindest, funniest and most caring guys I’ve ever known.
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