Growing up in Calgary

Sep 30, 2019 8:35
Ross K.
I’ll always regret spending more time with Steven. I know he held me in high regard as fellows in the engineering and science world. He was curious about everything, especially related to science. However I was busy with work and my family, and didn’t make time to explore with him. After high school, he quickly grew out of my realm and it soon became evident I’d missed an opportunity while I could have taught and discovered alongside of him. Even at Queens, his studies surpassed my capacity to understand what he tried to explain.
Steven, I’m glad you were born because… We needed another man in the family. We needed another engineer in the family. We couldn’t have done better on either. I’ve always admired your analytical disposition, your cool & methodical approach, your positive outlook on life experience.
We shared an appreciation for things all technical in this world and not being afraid of testing crazy ideas despite what others might think.
The world is better because…Of your tenacity in getting hard-core medical professionals to bend to their rigid and time honoured practices of keeping medical records secret; and allowing you to video and present their work on you in the operating theatre!
I’ll never forget that time when we shared your dream of building a helicopter! I think your mother was carefully encouraging but worried you might just build something worthy of flight. I will never forget our recent conversation about your experiments with bombs and rockets!!
Steven, you had a short but rich life and will live in our hearts and memories forever. We love you.
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