Undergrad at Queen’s

Nov 19, 2019 8:59
Tanya S.
Steve and I became good friends being in the materials option of mechanical engineering at Queens. We had so many fun times, in and out of lecture halls and we shared an absolute love of absurdity, silliness and getting our groove on at the bar! We didn't see much of each other after graduating; mostly weddings got us together and one trip down to Boston while he was at MIT. But, when I turned 30 my husband arranged for videos from everyone who couldn't be at the party he threw for me in person. Steve delivered an absolute gem. As we watched Steve's video at the party, him in a leotard painted to look like he was naked, riding in a self-driving car and then getting out and do a dance, everyone in the room laughed at how outrageous it was. One of the people in the room who knew him commented 'and he's probably the smartest person any of us know', and we all had another good laugh at the dichotomy of that fact and what everyone was seeing on screen. Then I passed around a 3-D print of his brain tumour! Steven was absolutely amazing and absurd and brilliant all at once. His verve and love for life was infectious and made a real impact on everyone he met. The list of anecdotes about Steven is almost as long as his list of accomplishments but really, the important thing is that he was an amazing friend and an incredible human being and how deeply he is missed by so many is proof of that.
Bonus story: When we visited him in Boston we played Bananagrams. As he was absolutely slaughtering us he said "They took out 10% of my brain from the language centre. You guys should be killing me!"
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